Tackling Acid Reflux

Tackling Acid Reflux:

Alternative Treatments & Functional Medicine Approach

Did you know…?

• Over 45% of Americans suffer from heartburn 

• Over 35% are have been diagnosed with acid reflux

• Acid blocking drugs like Nexium®, Prilosec and other prescribed and over-the-counter remedies are not healthy long-term treatment solutions

Most acid-blocking and acid-reducing drugs are effective for relieving symptoms in the short-term, but long-term use can have harmful side effects and lead to other problems, including:

• Bloating

• Esophagitis

• Gastritis

• Dysbiosis – bad bacteria in the gut

• Neuropathy – nervous system dysfunction as a result of deficiencies in Zinc, B12, and essential omega acids

• Depression, memory problems

• Laryngitis and pneumonia as a result of larynx/pharynx irritation from the hydrochloric acid coming up from the stomach

• Vitamin and mineral deficiency

Functional Medicine for Acid Reflux

Addressing acid reflux with Functional Medicine is safe and effective because the approach works by identifying and treating the root causes as well as the symptoms. Upon testing results, a specific treatment plan is designed to tackle each patient’s individual needs by implementing whole-body wellness strategies for prevention and elimination.

In our clinic, we apply various Functional Medicine methods to acid reflux:

1. Meridian/organ testing as well as energetic food/nutrients testing, to check for any food sensitivities, food allergies

2. Blood tests, to identify food sensitivity

3. Celiac and gluten sensitivity testing

4. Testing for parasites, H. Pylori, yeast and other pathogenic bacteria overgrowth

All testing and treatment methods are noninvasive, without side effects, and are well tolerated by adults and children. 

Treatments & Prevention Tips

Acid reflux can be managed naturally through dietary adjustments and herbal supplements, as well as with recommendations for lifestyle changes. These include a combination of the following:

• Explore different diet protocols, e.g., Paleo, SCD, Foodmap, Gaps, Ketogenic, Low Histamine, Blood type and more.

• Make nutritional adjustments to avoid food allergens, like gluten, grains or dairy. Very often eliminating grains and cow dairy helps tremendously.

• Eliminate spicy foods, acidic tomato-based foods, fried and processed foods, all of which fuel acid production in the stomach.

• Develop a food-combining chart to follow for better and faster digestion.

Simple Lifestyle Tips to Prevent Acid Reflux

• Avoid acid-producing triggers: chocolate, alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine.

• Eat simpler smaller meals more frequently.

• Don’t drink carbonated beverages, but do drink plenty of still water, not sparkling.

• Don’t eat late at night. Give yourself a chance to digest before you go to bed.

• Relax and breath before you eat. Breathing and relaxing your diaphragm can significantly reduce symptoms of acid reflux.

Supplements Can Help!

Several supplements are available specifically to help manage acid reflux:

• Digestive Enzymes. Different ones are available depending on the problem—protein, carbohydrates, fat, fiber or milk— to help break down foods.

• Zinc Carnosine and DGL. Work in combination to help coat the stomach to prevent acid reflux.

• L glutamine and aloe vera. Help to restore the digestive lining.

• Probiotics. Can help with dysbiosis

• Magnesium and vagus nerve supplements. Help to relax the digestive system and improve digestion.